reading challenge

Challenge 1 - Read a story in an unusual place or position

Sitting in a chair to read can sometimes seem boring.

Why don’t you try reading somewhere different.

Could you read a book while doing your exercises, sitting in a tree, whilst doing a handstand or the splits, on a trampoline, under the bed or even in a box! Be creative!

Email photos to and let me know if I can share them.

I am looking forward to seeing what unusual places or positions you end up reading in.

Adults I would love to see your pictures as well.

Have fun and take care,

Mrs Akintunde

Challenge 2 - Listen to a story

Reading yourself can sometimes seem like hard work, so listen to someone else reading a story.

There are many places to hear stories for free but some places to start include:

Record yourself reading your favourite story and then send it to your friends or family so they can listen to a story.

Email me your recording of a story to or let me know what stories you enjoyed listening to.

Have fun and take care,

Mrs Akintunde